ABC-Salon 2021: Cancellation of the trade fair at the end of March
High planning uncertainty for trade fairs and events After many discussions with exhibitors, the organizer AVR Messe- und Veranstaltung GmbH has come to the decision to cancel ABC-Salon 2021 for the time being. The current situation unfortunately forces the organizer to do so: it is currently completely unclear to what extent authorities will already issue permits or how long the lock down will last and therefore no reasonable planning can be made, neither by the exhibitors, the trade visitors nor the organizer. In addition, at this point the organizer cannot foresee how the situation will develop, when stores will reopen and when weddings will be celebrated again. It is unlikely that trade fairs and events can take place before Easter – and even if it were possible to hold an event like ABC-Salon, this would involve efforts as well as expenses and thus a high risk for trade visitors and exhibitor, while only low visitor numbers could be expected. High burden for the trade The trade is currently struggling with full warehouses, high running costs and lack of income. Thus, there are hardly any financial means left to order new collections on a large scale. In addition, it is unclear when weddings – with everything that goes with them – can be celebrated again, resulting in further uncertainty. Short-term organization of a summer event not excluded If there should be a positive development in the coming months and retailers and their customers would like to have a summer event, it would be possible to organize and design it as needed. However, the organizer is already focusing the planning on next year: despite all challenges, the organizer is looking ahead to the next trade fair